Wilde at Heart Part 1

It's been a while, but real life intervenes.  If anyone is interested in paying me a regular salary to do this podcast, contact me and we'll talk; otherwise, I'm afraid that it has to go on the back burner when other obligations get in the way.  Still, apologies to listeners; I've worked out some of... Continue Reading →

The Socratic Question

The trial of Socrates is a story familiar throughout the western world:  Socrates, a philosopher, pointed out the follies of important Athenian leaders and taught Athenian youths to question their elders.  He was brought to trial on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth of Athens, found guilty, and sentenced to commit suicide.  Despite his... Continue Reading →

Why the Trial?

From the far-off days when we huddled around the fires and passed judgment on one another in tribal councils to the modern courtroom with its twenty-four hour cable news coverage, the trial seems something fundamental to the human experience.  Thousands of years before the birth of Christ, the Egyptians buried their dead with copies of... Continue Reading →

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